Herbal Capsule FAQ'S

Herbal Capsule FAQ'S

Caleb Roberts

GENERAL Q's for all blends.

Q: Are the capsules safe to take everyday?

A: Yes, the capsules have been designed to be taken daily or twice daily, based on your preference. However, it is always advised to consult your health provider if you are on any medications or have any particular sensitive conditions. The blends are not recommended for people who are pregnant or are nursing. 

Q: Is it ok to take the capsules multiple times in a day? A: Yes, it is ok to take multiple doses throughout the day. It is recommend to wait 4-8 hr between each recommended dosage of 2 capsules.

Q: Is it ok to increase the dosage for a serving?A: Yes, for certain blends more than others it is advisable to customize your dosage.

Q: Why is there Reishi Mushroom, Black Pepper, and Curcumin in every blend?

A: Reishi Mushroom is known as an adaptogenic herb which helps the body respond to stress and bring balance to the system. Black pepper and curcumin are herbs which have have shown anti-inflamatory properties. Black pepper has been shown to be high in anti-oxidants and boost the absorption of other substances, one specifically being curcumin. Curcumin, is the active ingredient in turmeric, which has been shown to support the lowering of systemic inflammation, it is cool nature, and balances out the warming nature of the black pepper to create a balance formula.

Q: Why are you adding all of these things for inflammation?

A: Inflammation is a natural process of the body, but with unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles, poor diet choices, and a high stress life being the norm; most people can benefit from anti-inflammatory supplements.

Q: When should I expect results?

A: Results will vary from person to person depending on multiple different factors, but the formulas are designed to work both within a normal time of digestion as well as have an accumulative effect overtime.